Tuesday 7 May 2013

 “Team V will change your outlook on everything! It opens your eyes to the world and to what you are able to achieve. It is challenging but rewarding and will always be an experience you look back on in a positive way.

This was my initial response when asked to reflect on my experience as a Team V leader. I signed up for Team V as a final year engineering student at Durham University so no matter what other commitments you have on at present: YOU CAN DO THIS, YOU CAN FIT IT IN! Although to be fair, if there was one thing I would change about my Team V experience it would be that I would want to do it at a time when I had more time to commit.

Seeing the differences that you can make, even with a small team, is phenomenal! Putting a smile on someone else’s face is so rewarding and you get the power to do this again and again and again! Sometimes things don’t always go to plan but you learn from the mistakes and when you look back at your accomplishments and can be proud that even as a student you have made a positive difference in some way to other people’s lives.

This is beginning to sound cheesy but I think that a summary of why you should sign up to Team V is in order!

Ok so Top 5 reasons?!

1) The people...If you’re looking to make new friends across the UK then this is the programme for you. The people that sign up and get involved are all amazing people who bring their own perspectives and ideas to the campaigns and create a supportive environment in which everyone works as part of a larger team. You are also assigned a tutor who is beyond supportive and inspires you to think BIG and achieve more than you first think possible.

2) The feel good factor...If you want to make a difference in your local communities and learn about real and relevant issues that affect so many and yet in some circumstances are barely discussed or recognised then the campaigns selected by this programme will let you raise awareness of these key subjects.

3) The personal development...You will receive first class leadership training at residential weekends across the UK. Throughout the programme you will also be encouraged to develop skills in effective communication, creativity and organisation AND as if that wasn't enough, on completion of the programme you are entitled to a grant of up to £1000 towards a course that will aid you in future employment.

4) The shining CV... I was looking for something that would allow me to do something fun but productive alongside my studies, and boy did it exceed these expectations! It has helped me to understand project management and ultimately helped me to secure a job with a massive international engineering company.

5) And finally: The opportunity to work with MANY organisations...I have worked alongside local charities on projects, I have presented in a local school, I've had meetings with the local MP and made links with the University radio...the opportunities available to network are endless.
And so on that note I’ll just say one last thing: “If you've read this far you've probably already guessed: I THINK YOU SHOULD JOIN TEAM V!

Apply at: www.vinspired.com/teamv :)